Olga Griaznova

PhD-1 student




Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology (Skoltech)
(2023), M.Sc.

National Research Nuclear University MEPhI (NRNU MEPhI)
(2021), B.Sc.

Skills and achievements:

Research interests:
- Smart drug delivery systems;
- Metal-otganic frameworks
- Nanomedicine
- Theranostics

2021 - 2023: MsC student at Biophotonics lab (Prof. Dmitry Gorin), Skoltech, Moscow
2020 - present: Laboratory assistant,, Laboratory of Bionanophotonics, NRNU MEPhI, Moscow
2019 - present: Laboratory Assistant, Laboratory of Molecular Immunology, Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry RAS, Moscow

Grants and Achievements:
Winner of the competition of scientific works, oral presentation, the 63rd All-Russian Conference of the MIPT, Moscow, 2020.
Holder of the 2nd place in the competition of young scientist’s research work, oral presentation, the 5th International Symposium and School for Young Scientists on Physics, Engineering and Technologies for Biomedicine, Moscow, 2020.
Winner of All-Russian engineering competition, best bachelor thesis, Moscow, 2021.
RSF Grant #21-74-10058 "Biodegradable submicron sized containers with high loading capacity for the delivery of theranostic agents to malignant tumors", 2021-2024